965 72 65 26 - Plaza Gral. Llopis, 1 - 03150 Dolores info@dolores.es

José Joaquín Hernández: “During the last year 143 people have found work, of which 57 have done it in the last month”

The mayor of Dolores, Joaquín Hernández, stressed that the effort being made from the City to generate employment in the municipality is giving its results. “Precisely the employment data of the last month of January have registered a fall in unemployment in Dolores of 57 people, when in all Vega Baja the unemployment has fallen by 156 people. And since January last year, the unemployment has dropped in Dolores in 143 people, “explained the mayor.

For this we are actively working in an exercise of coordination between the different departments of the City, as well as in coordination with other Public Administrations, such as Diputación, Generalitat, Central Government and European.

The councilor has pointed out that the result of this effort also implies an improvement in the facilities and in the different public spaces of the municipality, such as the work being done with the “Alameda II” Gardening Employment Workshop. An Employment Workshop that has been highlighted for more than 8 years that was not done. “Also we are working, in coordination with other municipalities of the Vega Baja, to promote an interior tourism in the province of Alicante, which puts in value the attractions of our municipalities and the products of the garden.”

However, Hernández has stressed the need to continue generating the optimum conditions for job creation, “especially to reduce the gap in employment between men and women, since the latter are the most punished by unemployment. In Dolores in particular, of the total number of unemployed there are 100 more women without work than men. ”

He also stressed the importance of training in job creation, “we are carrying out different training courses, both for workers and unemployed, in sectors very important to generate wealth and competitiveness, such as commerce, hospitality and services “