965 72 65 26 - Plaza Gral. Llopis, 1 - 03150 Dolores info@dolores.es


Competence in matters of policies aimed at covering personal and social needs derived from situations of dependency, inequality or social exclusion, managing programs in matters of disabled social services, family, adoptions, childhood, youth and women, as well as quality improvement life of all citizens.


Guide of social resources of the Valencian Community.

General information

Base social team:

  • 1 Social Worker.
  • 1 Psychologist.
  • 1 Social Worker – Unit.
  • 1 Administrative Assistant.
  • 1 Lawyer.



Dolores Town Hall

Plaza General Llopis 1- Ground Floor

Telephone: 965 72 65 26 (ext. 3)

Fax: 966 71 11 09

Opening hours to the public:


Municipal social worker, dependency service social worker, social services psychologist, AMICS agent, lawyer.

Make an appointment by calling 965726526 (ext. 3) or personally at the department itself.

Municipal services:

  • Home help service. SAD.
  • Dependency law home help service.
  • Psychological care service for women and families.
  • Menjar home.
  • AMICS Dolores Agency
  • Rent Network
  • Municipal legal advice and guidance service for women.


Municipal programs:

  • Information, advice and orientation program.
  • Social emergency program. Individual financial aid.
  • Psychosocial care program for the family and childhood.
  • Social cooperation program. Promotion of associations.
  • Prevention and social intervention program.


  • Application for a non-contributory disability pension. (PNC invalidity).
  • Application for aid in the field of social services in the disabled sector:

– Individualized economic benefits. Aids for personal development: Elimination of existing architectural barriers in the home or in the building of the person with a disability and that hinder their mobility in it.

– Individualized economic benefits. Adaptation of motor vehicles.

– Individualized economic benefits. Technical help.

  • Request for aid for institutionalized care.
  • Application for aid to finance stays in residential centers through the BONAD care voucher for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses.
  • Application for economic benefits of the Dependency Law.



  • Application for recognition, declaration and qualification of the degree of disability:
  • Processing parking card with recognition of reduced mobility.
  • Request for Teleassistance Consellería and Dependency Law.
  • SAD application.



  • Application for admission to a center for the disabled. Occupational center.
  • Application for admission to a center for the disabled. Home.
  • Application for admission to a center for the disabled. Day center.
  • Institutional benefits of the Dependency Law.



We collaborate with the ADIDO “La Majá” Disabled Association.



Telephone for the Ombudsman for the Disabled 963 428 502

Family, minor and adoption


  • Application for economic benefits for foster care.
  • Application for aid for multiple births, adoption or pre-adoptive foster care of
  • three or more minors.
  • Application for the guaranteed income of citizenship.
  • Request for help to large families with honor category.
  • Request for individual financial benefits (PEI’s).



Application for registration or renewal of the Large Family Title. Large family card.


  • Application for national adoption.
  • Application for international adoption.
  • Processing of protection measures for minors.
  • Psychosocial care program for families and minors through the grassroots municipal social team.



  • Referral to the Federation for life and family (aid for infant feeding).
  • We collaborate with CARITAS.
  • We collaborate with CRUZ ROJA.


  • Request for free time stays, for women who have daughters and / or sons, exclusively under their care.
  • Counseling and psychological support for women. Psychologist for the grassroots social team of the town hall.

INSTITUTIONAL BENEFITS (centers of social services specialized in women):

  • Application and processing of reception center.
  • Request and processing of shelter.
  • Guardianship application and processing.
  • Application and processing of Maternal and Child Residences.


  • 24-hour woman center.
  • InfoDona Center.
  • Office of attention to the Victim of Crime.
  • Municipal legal advice and guidance service for women.


  • Application for aid to finance stays for the elderly. (RESIDENCE BONUS).
  • Request for a Non-contributory Retirement Pension (PNC).
  • Application to finance stays for the elderly. (BREATHE BONUS).
  • Application for individualized financial benefits: Aid for the personal development of the elderly, such as the elimination of architectural barriers, and technical aids.
  • Application for economic benefits of the Dependency Law.



  • Application for social holidays for the elderly in the Valencian Community.
  • Application for participation in the Social Vacation Program for the Elderly. (Ministry of labor and social affairs).
  • Request for stays in spas in the Valencian Community (Valencian Thermalism Program).
  • Request for stays in spas in different autonomous communities (IMSERSO Social Thermalism Program).
  • Application for the Municipal Home Help Service (SAD).
  • Request for the Home Help Service of the Dependency Law.
  • Inter-city transport card application for pensioners or people over 65 years of age. (Ticket price reduction program).
  • Activities program for our elders. Diputación
  • Institutional visits.
  • Application for the “Menjar a casa” Program.
  • Request for Teleassistance of the Provincial Council.
  • Application for the “Don’t be alone at Christmas” program.


  • Application for admission to centers and residences for the elderly.
  • Application for admission to Dependency Law centers and residences.



Mayor’s Telephone 900 100 011

Dolores Friends

Sin Título-3


AMICS Agency What is it?

The AMICS agency (Agency for Mediation for Integration and Social Coexistence), set up by the Consellería de Política Inclusivas, is an office of information, mediation, advice and guidance for the immigrant group, in order to put within their reach all the resources that the Administration and other entities have in the matter.

What services does it offer?

The AMICS DOLORES agency offers information services, mediation, advice and guidance in the following matters:

  1. Situation and legal regularization in the Valencian Community and place where they can process it.
  2. Information and referral regarding access to the educational system and occupational and non-regulated training.
  3. Guidance for access to the labor system.
  4. Advice on access to the health system.
  5. Advice for the processing and reception of decent housing.
  6. Advice and referral in matters of cultural integration.
  7. Promotion of activities aimed at promoting interculturality and coexistence between the immigrant population and the host population.
  8. Program of linguistic, historical and legal understanding of the host community.

We remain at your disposal in the Town Hall, on the ground floor in the Social Services area.


Monday to Friday by appointment. From 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

For more information on:

  • Guide to the Legal Regime of the relatives of Foreign Citizens of the European Union.
  • Guide to the right to vote in municipal elections.
  • Informative Guide on the assistance rights of victims of gender violence.
  • Guide Legal regime for foreigners in Spain (Application form EX-03, Application form EX-10).
  • Guide to the acquisition and recovery of Spanish Nationality.
  • Informative guide for minors exposed to gender violence.
  • Link to the Alicante Provincial Council information page for foreign citizens:


Foreign Citizens Area

Diptych of information on requesting a previous appointment for the Immigration Office.

Immigration Office Information

The AMICS Agency has prepared the II Local Immigration and Integration Plan of the City of Dolores, 2016-2020, with the principles and actions aimed at a respectful and harmonious coexistence within democratic values ​​while contributing to the well-being of our community.


  • Registration in the municipal registry of associations.
  • Information, processing and advice on the creation of associations.
  • Advice on processing institutional grants.
Youth Information Center
  • General information on issues related to youth.
  • Application for the Jove Card.
  • Application for the Alberguista Card.
  • Application for the International Card.
Agent collaborator of the Red Alquila Generalitat Valenciana
  • Rental housing stock.
  • Housing applicants exchange.
  • Processing of aid to the tenant.
  • Information on social housing.
Agent collaborator of the Red Alquila Generalitat Valenciana
  • Information on Summer Schools and white vacations
  • Information for the application for enrollment in the Municipal Infant School.


Things you should know about European volunteering:

The European Voluntary Service (from now on EVS) is intended for young people between 18 and 30 years old residing in the European Union.

  • It is framed within the Youth in Action program.
  • This program is funded by the European Commission.
  • 90% of the travel expenses will be reimbursed and the total costs of accommodation, meals, local transportation, medical insurance, language course and pocket money for international volunteers will be covered.
  • Duration: between 2 and 12 months.

Steps to follow to become a European volunteer:

1) Information. The first step is the search for information to know and understand what the European Voluntary Service consists of, the process begins with the search for a nearby sending organization, which will provide the necessary information about the program. In addition, it will provide support and support during the rest of the European volunteering process. Some EVS projects already come with an assigned sending organization.

2) Choice of the project. The next step is to find a project that meets the needs and concerns of the future European volunteer. Unfortunately, the official database does not report which organizations are looking for European volunteers at this time or for the next few months. This information can be found in the Youth Networks database. In this database, the entities that are sending, receiving or coordinating are indicated.

3) Application. When the candidate finds a suitable European volunteering project for him, he must request it via e-mail, sending CV and motivation letter that the destination organization will submit to a selection process. If it is necessary to send other documents, it will be specified in the project.

Normally it takes between 2 weeks and 2 months for this procedure, depending on the time available and the projects contacted.

4) Approval of financing. Once the volunteer is chosen, the host or coordinating organization must submit the project application to the respective National Agency, in order for it to be approved. The deadlines to which you must adjust are the following:

From May 1 to October 31 February 1
From August 1 to January 31 May 1
From January 1 to June 30 October 1
Usually it takes between 8 and 10 weeks from the date on which the financing for EVS projects is requested until we know if it has been approved or not.

5) Departure. If the project is approved, the European volunteer can definitely prepare to start their stay. It only remains to sign the necessary documents and prepare the trip.


Last minute projects

To become a European volunteer there is the possibility of benefiting from places that other volunteers have resigned. These projects are announced in a very short period of time. In this case, once the volunteer is selected, he can directly start preparing the trip, since we are talking about projects previously approved by the corresponding national agency.


Pages where you can find information about European volunteering

  • European Commission page on the Program
  • Association of ex-volunteers of Spain, REVE
  • EVS Guide Blog: https://guiadelsve.blogspot.com.es/
  • Carlos Buj’s blog, a former European volunteer: https://carlos-en-esos-mundos-de-dios.blogspot.com/
  • Spanish National Agency page
  • Future Capital Project by Pablo Castiñeiras, former European volunteer: https://joven.europas.es/

Some of the nearby EVS collaborating entities:

International information point – Eurodesk Alicante

Youth Information Center – Youth Council / Center 14.
C / Labradores, 14 – 1ª Planta. 03002 ALICANTE
Phone 965 14 91 64 Phone / Fax. 965 14 96 63 centro14@eurodesk.org centro14@alicante-ayto.es

Elche Town Hall
C / Tanners nº23 03203 ELCHE

Phone 966658060 Fax. 965436444 Jóvenes@ayto-elche.es

Acd. La Hoya
C / Ingeniero Serra 4-6. 03294 ELCHE

Phone 649686721 acdlahoya@gmail.com

Association Entérate
C / Francisco Ruiz Bru, 17. 03205 ELCHE

Phone 649 79 83 58 sve.enterate@gmail.com


Murcia City Council Department of Youth and Employment
C / Cronista Carlos Valcárcel s / n 30008 MURCIA

Tel. 968 231589 Fax. 968 215559 planjoven@ayto-murcia.es

Murcia Euroaction Cultural Association
C / Capitán Balaca, 12 2ºB. 30003 MURCIA

Phone 667721857 / Fax. 968269014 info@euroaccion.com


Association for Development in Ethiopia, ABAY (Blue Nile)
C / Duque de Mandas 36 -1 – 9. 46019 VALENCIA

Phone 619955477 info@abayetiopia.org