965 72 65 26 - Plaza Gral. Llopis, 1 - 03150 Dolores info@dolores.es

Discover our exceptional environmental heritage through birds, which make this area one of the most important of Spain for the ornithological tourism.

The next Sunday, 22 October, the Department of Tourism of the Town Hall of Dolores, with the technical collaboration of Oxytours, will take place this eco tourist route, which will begin at 09.00 hours. The meeting point will be in the Industrial “Azarbes” of Dolores (Crta. de Elche).

The activity, with a duration of 4 hours, has a low difficulty. At the end of it, there will be a “picaeta” (tasting) of handmade products of Alicante and Vega Baja, with wine of the DO Alicante.

 Limited places!! Make your booking here