965 72 65 26 - Plaza Gral. Llopis, 1 - 03150 Dolores info@dolores.es

Local Police officers of Dolores are conducting a course, taught by Red Cross trainers, and with a duration of 12 hours, on the use of the external semi-automatic defibrillator (DESA). In this way the agents will be able to attend cardiac stops until the arrival of the sanitary services.
The DESA will go in the patrol vehicles to be able to be used by the agents quickly in case of cardiac arrest. This device, once placed by the agents, is able to analyze the heart rhythm and identify if the patient is in ventricular fibrillation, in that case it would indicate that the electric shock can be effected.
The Mayor of Dolores, José Joaquín Hernández, stressed that “with this type of measures, we are committed to improving the safety and life of the inhabitants of Dolores. This is a very important step since you can save lives with a little effort. ” Similarly, the local police chief of Dolores, Cristian Cañizares, has stated that “we usually attend cardiac arrests, and are usually the first emergency services to arrive at the place, so this training is very useful for the Care of future cases “.