965 72 65 26 - Plaza Gral. Llopis, 1 - 03150 Dolores info@dolores.es

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Bird watching in Dolores and the natural reserve “El Hondo”

Bird watching in Dolores and the natural reserve “El Hondo”

Discover our exceptional environmental heritage through birds, which make this area one of the most important of Spain for the ornithological tourism. The next Sunday, ...
Holy week / Easter Dolores 2017

Holy week / Easter Dolores 2017

From the 2nd (sunday) till the 16th (sunday Easter) of April, enjoy our Holy week. Holy week / Easter Dolores 2017 ...
Dolores Easter

Dolores Easter

Dolores cuenta con una espectacular Semana Santa que, como peculiaridad, empieza el Viernes de Dolores, viernes anterior al Domingo de Ramos. Llena de emotividad, en ...
Fair and Feasts of August and Fair of cattle

Fair and Feasts of August and Fair of cattle

Fair and Feasts of August and Fair of cattle ...
The school "Virgen de los Dolores" will have new patio roofing in Easter

The school “Virgen de los Dolores” will have new patio roofing in Easter

The mayor of Dolores, José Joaquín Hernández, today visited, together with technicians of the Ministry of Education, the facilities of the "Virgen de los Dolores" ...
The Local Police of Dolores receives training to attend cardiac arrests

The Local Police of Dolores receives training to attend cardiac arrests

Local Police officers of Dolores are conducting a course, taught by Red Cross trainers, and with a duration of 12 hours, on the use of ...
IV Popular March of Dolores for the benefit of the Red Cross

IV Popular March of Dolores for the benefit of the Red Cross

On March 26, 2017, the Mountain Sports and Climbing Club Dolores Anda de Dolores (Alicante) organizes its IV Popular March for Dolores for the benefit ...

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Dolores. Alicante town by town

Among orchards and irrigation channels, the municipality of Dolores proudly shows off its link to agriculture, thanks to the fertility of its lands. This town in the Vega Baja revolves around the Plaza del Cardenal Belluga where, among pines and palm trees, stand the Town Hall and the Church.

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Tourism in Dolores

Diputación Alicante (Opens in a new window)
Costablanca (Opens in a new window)
Valencian Community Tourism (Opens in a new window)
Make an appointment in Health (Opens in a new window)
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