965 72 65 26 - Plaza Gral. Llopis, 1 - 03150 Dolores info@dolores.es

The Hon. Dolores City Council convenes, for the third consecutive year, the school literary contest, annuity 2017, addressed to all students of 5 and 6 of primary education and 1 and 2 of secondary education in the town. It is intended that these expose, expressing themselves in the literary genre that best suits their skills and tastes, an issue of free choice related to the municipality of Dolores. They can do it in the two official languages of the Valencian Community: Valencian and Castilian.

Encourage your children, siblings, grandchildren who are attending these levels of education to participate !!

The next day 23 of April, during the Book of Dolores Fair, will read the ruling of the jury and the awards ceremony.

Bases completes. 2017

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